Thank you for signing up for Jersey's Hidden Retail Trail!
A few reminders:
1. Shortly before the trail begins you will be emailed a map. That is your ticket. PRINT it (front and back to save paper) or DOWNLOAD it. Either way, you each MUST have this with you when you go into each business. The businesses have been directed that they are not to issue out any of the special treats without seeing your map.
2. Each business is to offer you something for being apart of the trail. Whether it's buying one get one, discounts, samples, gifts, ect.
3. The map will tell you each businesses hours, so be sure to check them when you're planning your route. While following the order of the map will cut down on your driving time, you can move in whatever order you'd like, whatever days you'd like.
4. Get your Passport Signed from each business, take a picture of your completed passport and post it to social media with the #JerseysHiddenRetailTrail or email it to and be entered into winning an awesome prize!